- Personal Tutoring in Surrey University, Guildford, UK is what is called Academic Advising in the American University in Cairo. It is the process of allocating students to academic staff to make the policies clear, the career paths, and direct them to relevant services by the University that they might need. In the American system, the credit hour system, and the availability of optional courses, and ability to choose different paths to graduation and combine different majors and minors of choice, can be overwhelming to students. Continuous advise until graduation is required, to create a valid degree from the so many options. In the absence of options, and fixed year based modules for all students in one class, such as the British and the Egyptian system, the student advising becomes relevant only to passing and graduation policies, failed assessments policies, complains policies, additional learning support and well being.
- NRSC 2016 organisation Local Committee (AASTMT University) http://nrsc2016.aast.edu/:
- ACM – ICPC (November 2013 – Present):
- AASTMT Local Preparation Workshop – Week 9 to prepare for the contest on Week 12, or may be delayed to the midyear recess if required.
- Egypt ACM – ICPC
- Arab ACM – ICPC
- To join:
- email me,
- attend the workshops,
- Facebook Group: ACM ACPC Arab Collegiate Programming Contest
- Like this facebook Page: Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics (EOI)
- join code forces and then register @ this group
AAST-CCIT ACM to send your handle to Dr. Ossama Ismail - create a contestant account on: http://icpc.baylor.edu
- download PC<sup>2</sup>: http://www.ecs.csus.edu/pc2/
- Practice at the following educational programming sites:
- Newcomers advice, by Shahriar Manzoor
- Art of Programming Contest, by Ahmed Shamsul Arefin, Book
- Online Judges
- Tutorial Sites
- http://acm.timus.ru/
- http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~acm00/
- http://oldweb.uwp.edu/academic/mathematics/usaco/
- http://ace.delos.com/
- http://www.acmsolver.org/
- Problem Set Archive
- http://acm.uva.es/problemset/replies.html
- http://contest.uvarov.ru/
- http://www.acmbeginner.tk
- ICPC Yahoo Group
- ACM Solver Yahoo Group
- Project Euler
- TopCoder
- UVa Online Judge
- Challenges with Python
- Google Code Jam
- Programming Challenges
- Less Than Dot
- ACM’s Programming Contest archive
- USACO problems
- ITA Software’s puzzle page
- Refactor My Code
- Ruby Quiz
- Code Kata
- Programming Praxis
- Facebook Engineering Puzzles
- Code Chef
- Code Golf
- UVa Online Judge
- Timus Online Judge
- Google Code Jam
- Al Zimmermann’s Programming Contests
- Coding Bat – Java (Java)
- Coding Bat – Python (Python)
- Python Challenge (Python)
- Ruby Quiz (Ruby)
- C Puzzles (C)
- 99 Prolog Problems (Prolog)
- Examination Committee (November 2013 – March 2014).
Useful Links:
ACM Education Policy Committee
Computer Science Curricula 2013 – ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Task Force
ABET Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs, 2013 – 2014
CS2013 Curricula Matrix Edited by myself to show core 1, core 2, and elective topics in separate columns, but this is based on the strawman report, which is now updated in the Ironman report.
NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative – I proposed to integrate PDC topics in multi-courses using this proposal (PDC_mhelal_CCIT_AASTMT), and it was accepted in 30/7/2013.
CCIT join about 80 current early adopters from the previous five rounds of competition. The support can attempt to provide access to a heterogeneous Linux cluster with multi-core and GPU compute nodes. The support require that we need to carry out detailed evaluation and provide feedback to the curriculum working group each Spring as follows:
1 Update the tables of Appendix I for courses you are teaching by inserting Bloom level, number of hours for topics covered, and hints on “How a topic was taught/integrated in existing topics.” We may also add new topics if you employ those. The direct link to Appendix I is http://www.cs.gsu.edu/~tcpp/
2. We will share and disseminate the course syllabi, content, and teaching material by posting them at CDER resource site maintained at http://www.cs.gsu.edu/~tcpp/
3 Provide data and results of the proposed evaluations. If possible, provide statistical data on pre-post tests for individual students in your courses on PDC topics.
I will receive contributor-level access in due course to upload to CDER resource site. Any faculty staff member interested in joining the program, please forward to me the contributed material and I will upload it.