
Posts by manal

Shared Norms and Freedom, Equality, Ethical and Legal Behaviours

Shared Norms and Freedom, Equality, Ethical and Legal Behaviours

By Manal Helal on 7/6/2023 The work of (McElreath, Boyd and Richerson, 2003) provided a mathematical model for simulating ethnic markers’ evolution given some parameters and dynamic interactions. The aim of the model was not stated clearly. Similarly, many of the model details, the choice of parameters, and the presentation of results were not careful […]

Self Publishing

Self Publishing

I self published a book: Manal Helal, “Introduction to Tensor Computing in Python, from first principles to Deep Learning”, Book published by Amazon Publishing PROS, 2023. ISBN: 9781916626331. The final draft of the book can be baught printed from: and the digital book can be baught from: Please report any error, recommendation or […]

Cell Biology Primer

Cell Biology Primer The human body contains trillions of cells that undergo a cell lifecycle from cell birth, growth, division to create new cells and cell death around the clock. Cell contents as well, whether in the nucleus or the cytoplasm varies in reaction to the environmental signals or as directed by the genetic codes […]

Operating System Module to first year students

Operating System Module to first year students

This report summarises an experience designing a fragmented curriculum to be suitable to departmental requirements, while maintaining students’ interest and challenge, and satisfying best practice recommendations by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) IEEE Computer Society. Some of the challenges are discussed, including the pandemic event and its possible negative impact on students’ motivation.

Assessment Quality

Assessment Quality

In this document, I linked the learning theories with the Reinforcement Learning algorithm as a measure to enhance the effectiveness of teaching. I presented teaching as a 2-way process: interaction with students through teaching and assessments feedback, and interaction back to the teacher with teaching effectiveness measure to enhance teacher’s pedagogical methods. I emphasised the […]

Computing Origins, Future, and Challenges

Computing Origins, Future, and Challenges

Summarising my 5 years of lecturing in computer science and engineering, and against all frustrations, I still see computing to be the most important profession for so many years to come. I was requested to write an article (mhelal_computingArticle), and the thoughts expressed themselves in the time frame given. This article could have been better […]

About Me

About Me

Computer Science & Engineering Lecturer and researcher Currently in Surrey university, UK, and previously in AASTMT, Engineering and Technology College, egypt. My resume can be downloaded from here. Email:,

CR Comparisons

CR Comparisons

CR Comparisons



Google Scholar Profile Scopus Profile Book Chapters: Sameh, M. A., Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Array Programming: The Implementation and the Application Recent Advances in Simulation, Computational Methods, and Soft Computing, Book, Electrical and Computer Engineering Series, Editor: Nokos Mastorakis, WSEAS Press, 2002 Refereed Journal Articles: Abdel Azeem, B., Helal, M., Performance Evaluation Of […]

Research Resources

Research Resources

Searching Research Journals Funding: 1. Egyptian National S&T Information Network GERSS-German-Egyptian Research Short term Scholarships EGYPT-SOUTH AFRICA JOINT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH PROGRAMME EU-Egypt Science and Innovation Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) 2. World-Wide Universities Funded Research Projects Fulbright Egypt EURAXESS FP7 Marie Curie 3. Industrial Research & Development Companies such as Google, Microsoft, […]

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