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Book Chapters:
- Sameh, M. A., Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Array Programming: The Implementation and the Application Recent Advances in Simulation, Computational Methods, and Soft Computing, Book, Electrical and Computer Engineering Series, Editor: Nokos Mastorakis, WSEAS Press, 2002
- Abdel Azeem, B., Helal, M., Performance Evaluation Of Checkpoint/Restart Techniques For MPI Applications On Amazon EC2 , ECSJ (The Egyptian Computer Science Journal) ISSN: 1110-2586, Accepted the 25th of March 2014
- Helal, M.E., Kong, F., Chen, S.C.A., Zhou, F., Dwyer, D.E., Potter, J., Sintchenko, V. Linear normalised hash function for clustering gene sequences and identifying reference sequences from multiple sequence alignments, Microbial Informatics and Experimentation, 2(2), January 2012.
- Helal, M.E., Kong, F., Chen, S.C.A., Bain, M., Christen,R., Sintchenko, V. Defining reference sequences for Nocardia species by similarity and clustering analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequence data, PLoS ONE, 6(6), June 2011.
- Helal, M, Sintchenko, V. Dynamic programming algorithms for discovery of antibiotic resistance in microbial genomes. Electronic Journal of Health Informatics 2011;6(1):e10. ISSN: 1446-4381.
- Helal, M., Mullin, L., Potter, J., Sintchenko, V. Search Space Reduction Technique for Distributed Multiple Sequence Alignment. In Proceedings of the 6th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2009). Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, October 2009.
- Helal, M., Sintchenko, V. Dynamic programming algorithms for discovery of antibiotic resistance in microbial genomes, In Proceedings of the Health Informatics Conference (HIC-09). Canberra, Australia, August 2009.
- Helal, M., El-Gindy, H., Mullin, L., Gaeta, B. Parallelizing Optimal Multiple Sequence Alignment by Dynamic Programming. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Techniques (APDCT-08) held in conjunction with 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-08). Sydney, Australia, December 2008. pp. 669-674. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3471- 8.
- Helal M., El-Gindy, H., Gaeta, G., Sintchenko, V. High Performance Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithms for Comparison of Microbial Genomes. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Genome Informatics – GIW 2008. – Gold Coast, 2008.
- Helal, M., Mullin, L.M., Gaeta, B., El-Gindy, H. Multiple sequence alignment using massively parallel mathematics of arrays. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems (HPCNCS- 07), Orlando, FL. USA, 2007. pp. 120-7.
- Helal, M., Mullin, L., El-Gindy, H., Gaeta, B. Optimal Parallel Solution for Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Mathematics of Arrays. Poster presentation presented at Bioinformatics Australia 2006 “Connecting Australian Bioinformatics” 21-22 November 2006, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, November 2006.
- Helal, M., Mullin, L., Gaeta, B., El-Gindy, H. Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Massively Parallel Mathematics of Arrays. Poster presentation presented at BioInfoSummer 2005 – ICE-EM Summer Symposium in Bioinformatics, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, November 2005.
- Helal, M., Mullin, L., Gaeta, B., El-Gindy, H. Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Massively Parallel Mathematics of Arrays. Poster presentation presented at the APAC Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Computing, Grid Applications and eResearch , Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Australia, September 2005.
- Sameh, M. A., Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Array Programming: The Implementation and the Application”, Poster in the ISCA 17th Int’l conference on Computer Automation and Their Applications (CATA-2002), April 4-6, 2002, San Francisco, USA
- Sameh, M. A., Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Programming – The Implementation and the Application, Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS Symposium on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, Athens, Greece, December 29-31, 2001.
- Helal, M.E., Indexing And Partitioning Schemes For Distributed Tensor Computing With Application To Multiple Sequence Alignment – in fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, Computer Science and Engineering School, Faculty of Engineering, August 2009.
- Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Programming – The Implementation and the Application- in partial fulfilment of the degree of Masters of Science, American University in Cairo, Computer Science Department, School of Science and Engineering, January 2001.
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