
Google Scholar Profile
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Book Chapters:

  1. Sameh, M. A., Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Array Programming: The Implementation and the Application Recent Advances in Simulation, Computational Methods, and Soft Computing, Book, Electrical and Computer Engineering Series, Editor: Nokos Mastorakis, WSEAS Press, 2002

  2. Refereed Journal Articles:

  3. Abdel Azeem, B., Helal, M., Performance Evaluation Of Checkpoint/Restart Techniques For MPI Applications On Amazon EC2 , ECSJ (The Egyptian Computer Science Journal) ISSN: 1110-2586, Accepted the 25th of March 2014
  4. Helal, M.E., Kong, F., Chen, S.C.A., Zhou, F., Dwyer, D.E., Potter, J., Sintchenko, V. Linear normalised hash function for clustering gene sequences and identifying reference sequences from multiple sequence alignments, Microbial Informatics and Experimentation, 2(2), January 2012.
  5. Helal, M.E., Kong, F., Chen, S.C.A., Bain, M., Christen,R., Sintchenko, V. Defining reference sequences for Nocardia species by similarity and clustering analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequence data, PLoS ONE, 6(6), June 2011.
  6. Helal, M, Sintchenko, V. Dynamic programming algorithms for discovery of antibiotic resistance in microbial genomes. Electronic Journal of Health Informatics 2011;6(1):e10. ISSN: 1446-4381.

  7. Conference Submissions:

  8. Helal, M., Mullin, L., Potter, J., Sintchenko, V. Search Space Reduction Technique for Distributed Multiple Sequence Alignment. In Proceedings of the 6th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2009). Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, October 2009.
  9. Helal, M., Sintchenko, V. Dynamic programming algorithms for discovery of antibiotic resistance in microbial genomes, In Proceedings of the Health Informatics Conference (HIC-09). Canberra, Australia, August 2009.
  10. Helal, M., El-Gindy, H., Mullin, L., Gaeta, B. Parallelizing Optimal Multiple Sequence Alignment by Dynamic Programming. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Techniques (APDCT-08) held in conjunction with 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-08). Sydney, Australia, December 2008. pp. 669-674. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3471- 8.
  11. Helal M., El-Gindy, H., Gaeta, G., Sintchenko, V. High Performance Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithms for Comparison of Microbial Genomes. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Genome Informatics – GIW 2008. – Gold Coast, 2008.
  12. Helal, M., Mullin, L.M., Gaeta, B., El-Gindy, H. Multiple sequence alignment using massively parallel mathematics of arrays. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems (HPCNCS- 07), Orlando, FL. USA, 2007. pp. 120-7.
  13. Helal, M., Mullin, L., El-Gindy, H., Gaeta, B. Optimal Parallel Solution for Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Mathematics of Arrays. Poster presentation presented at Bioinformatics Australia 2006 “Connecting Australian Bioinformatics” 21-22 November 2006, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, November 2006.
  14. Helal, M., Mullin, L., Gaeta, B., El-Gindy, H. Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Massively Parallel Mathematics of Arrays. Poster presentation presented at BioInfoSummer 2005 – ICE-EM Summer Symposium in Bioinformatics, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, November 2005.
  15. Helal, M., Mullin, L., Gaeta, B., El-Gindy, H. Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Massively Parallel Mathematics of Arrays. Poster presentation presented at the APAC Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Computing, Grid Applications and eResearch , Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Australia, September 2005.
  16. Sameh, M. A., Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Array Programming: The Implementation and the Application”, Poster in the ISCA 17th Int’l conference on Computer Automation and Their Applications (CATA-2002), April 4-6, 2002, San Francisco, USA
  17. Sameh, M. A., Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Programming – The Implementation and the Application, Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS Symposium on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, Athens, Greece, December 29-31, 2001.

  18. Thesis:

  19. Helal, M.E., Indexing And Partitioning Schemes For Distributed Tensor Computing With Application To Multiple Sequence Alignment – in fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, Computer Science and Engineering School, Faculty of Engineering, August 2009.
  20. Helal, M.E., Dimension and Shape Invariant Programming – The Implementation and the Application- in partial fulfilment of the degree of Masters of Science, American University in Cairo, Computer Science Department, School of Science and Engineering, January 2001.

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